I have a really great simple recipe for you guys to kick off the summer to end in a sweet way to show you really simple recipe for fig jam and I got this inspiration. 

I was doing a little bit of research on some Italian’s traditions in one of the things is to give especially in southern Italy. 

Jarred fixing honey it’s an agent in an old tradition, but it was some thing to honor the sweetness of this summer fruit in well so I thought a fig jam would be really good way to kind of modern. That makes a great hostess idea. You can put it in in nice little jars are really versatile thing to be able to make it quick and it’s easy to get about 3/4 of a pound of dried figs here and I just really roughly chopped them. 

They are gonna go into our pot dried figs, much easier to find this time of year obviously then the fresh ones also if somebody gave you one of those dried fruit platters is a good way to use up some of it and you don’t have to worry about getting it to finer or even pieces cause when we’re to run it through the food processor and make sure it’s nice and smooth red and add in the zest of half a lemon along with the juice. 

We’re also going to add in one vanilla bean, one cup of water, and then in kind of sticking with the tradition we’re just gonna add in about a quarter cup of honey to sweeten there, so no sugar just honey, I’m gonna get this pot over medium heat. Bring it to a boil reduce it to a simmer and just let it cook for about 20 minutes until the pieces get nice and soft then and really start to release all of the soft part of their center is their seeds, and then will get them through the food processor  

After about 15 minutes we can see our pieces of figs cook down there nice and soft but we do still have those in their outer layer, so just to make sure everything is nice and smooth. 

Like I said we’re gonna run this through the food processor. The only other thing I did was pulled out  my vanilla bean and we’re just go slice this in half lengthwise and we’re going open it up and scrape all those vanilla beans back into the pot just go put our mixture into our food processor. We’re give this a quick pull to smooth everything out. 

That’s it. Our jam is ready to go in jars. You can store your fig jam in jars. You can give it as gifts. It really is. Just a great and nice way to kick off the any events that's suits in a suite style. It also goes really well of course on crackers he goes. 

Preparation time: a quart of an hour

Cooking time: 20 to 30 minutes


  • 2 kilograms of green or violet figs, removed the stems and cut into 1/2 pieces
  • Honey as sweetener, to be adjusted according to your taste
  • 1 medium lemon, juiced
  • one half cup of water
  • one vanilla bean


  1. Gather all the ingredients. Wash the fresh figs in a running fresh water, remove the stems and cut them into four lengthwise and crosswise.
  2. In a large pot, bring the cleaned figs pieces with honey to medium heat for about 15 minutes, stirring occassionally or until the honey dissolved and the figs pieces are become soft and juicy.
  3. Add the lemon and water and let it boil continue stirring.
  4. Simmer over moderate heat stirring occaionally until the fig jam liquid becomes heavy and thick drops.
  5. Transfer this through the food processor, remove the vanilla bean, cut in half and scrape the interior parts with a spoon or knife and put our mixture into our food processor.
  6. Transfer the jams in the sterelized jam bottles, fill the jars leaving half inch before the lid. Close them tightly and up side down while cooling.
  7. Store in a room temperature, when the temperature cool down bring the pots of fig jam in the refrigirator and store them for 3 months.
