Duck Breast Salad with Pink Grapefruit

 Duck Breast Salad with Pink Grapefruit

Servings: for 4 people 
Preparation time 60 minutes
Difficulty: low

  • a duck breast with skin about 500 g
  • celery of Verona g 100
  • a carrot q 100
  • a small head of curly endive
  • a pink grapefruit
  • lemon
  • rosemary
  • sage
  • parsley
  • salsa Worcester
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • olive oil
  • green peppercorns
  • sale
  1. Incise the skin of the duck breast with small superficial taqli, thenbrown it over high heat in 4 tablespoons of hot olive oil, flavoring it with a sprig of rosemary, a sprig of sage, a pinch of salt and the zest of half a grapefruit, only the outer part, carefully washed and cut into strips (zeste). 
  2. As soon as the meat is well browned, put it in the oven at 250°C for about 20 minutes. 4 Just before serving, cut the celery into strips (julienne strips), carrot and cut up the endive. Mix these 3 vegetables together, place them on a serving plate, arrange the duck breast on top, skinned and cut into slices, and small wedges of grapefruit pink peeled alive.
  3. Sprinkle everything with a pinch of chopped parsley, a teaspoon of green peppercorns and with an emulsion obtained by dissolving in 70 g of extra virgin olive oil, 25 g of lemon juice, a pinch of salt, 6 green peppercorns and a splash of Worcestershire sauce. Serve immediately.

Recommended wine

White, slightly aromatic: Valle d'Aosta White.
